ERASMUS+ KA226 PROJECT N. 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-009075
The TOP – Transnational Orienta Express Platform project starts from the success of a digitized guidance tool designed and implemented in Italy by OLTRE srl. It has been implemented by a transnational consortium of education centres and VET providers from April 2021 to March 2023.
The general objective of the already existing “Orienta Express” online tool is to guide different target groups towards effective school choices and/or job opportunities, and stems from the idea that this journey towards one’s own fulfilment starts with the knowledge of the particular characteristics of each individual, emerging from a self-assessment process. Before the TOP project implementation, the tool was only available at national level, in Italian language, foreseeing three different strands of activity, corresponding to the same number of target profiles and exigencies with regard to the future potential perspectives in terms of training and/or job opportunities:
a) Orienta Teenager supports the transition of children from middle school to high school;
b) Orienta Young supports the transition of boys/girls from high school to university, higher education/technical institutes, specialization courses, or the world of work;
c) Orienta Job Seeker to support of the delicate passage of each person who is faced with entering the job market after a training course or of those who want to change their professional career.
The TOP project contributed to develop and transfer the tool in other national contexts, focusing on the target group b), and adapting its methodology to 6 different national education and training systems (BG, AT, ES, IE, LEB).
Il progetto TOP – Transnational Orienta Express Platform parte dal successo di uno strumento di orientamento digitalizzato progettato e implementato in Italia da OLTRE srl. È stato realizzato da un consorzio transnazionale di centri educativi e fornitori di formazione professionale da aprile 2021 a marzo 2023.
L’obiettivo generale del già esistente strumento online “Orienta Express” è quello di guidare i diversi gruppi target verso scelte scolastiche e/o opportunità lavorative efficaci, e nasce dall’idea che questo viaggio verso la propria realizzazione inizi con la conoscenza delle caratteristiche peculiari di ogni individuo, emergenti da un processo di autovalutazione. Ad oggi lo strumento è disponibile solo a livello nazionale, in lingua italiana, e prevede tre diversi filoni di attività, corrispondenti ad altrettanti profili target ed esigenze rispetto alle potenziali prospettive future in termini di opportunità formative e/o lavorative:
a) Orienta Teenager sostiene la transizione dei ragazzi dalla scuola media alla scuola superiore;
b) Orienta Young supporta la transizione dei ragazzi/e dalla scuola superiore all’università, agli istituti superiori/tecnici, ai corsi di specializzazione o al mondo del lavoro;
c) Orienta Job Seeker per sostenere il delicato passaggio di ogni persona che si trova ad affrontare l’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro dopo un percorso formativo o di chi vuole cambiare la propria carriera professionale.
Il progetto TOP cerca di sviluppare e trasferire lo strumento, concentrandosi sul gruppo target b), e adattando la sua metodologia ai diversi sistemi nazionali di istruzione e formazione (BG, AT, ES, IE, LEB).

WP1 - Project management and coordination
The objectives of this work package are the coordination and management of project development, the definition of project strategies, the monitoring of the evolution of the project at each stage in order to ensure compliance with the work scheduling times.
It covered the whole project lifespan, from M1 to M24, led by Oltre srl.
WP2 - Initial study
The goal of this WP is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to identify the methods of transferring content in another language in relation to the IT tools proposed by the project and to provide comments and suggestions that will be used for the design of the tools in WP3. On the other hand, the WP aims to identify and analyze the differences between the education and training systems of the partner countries involved, the orientation policies and proposals following the implementation of European policies, with the aim of connecting these systems in a uniform way.
The results of this study have been used to develop the TOP platform (WP3) as well as for the piloting sessions run in the WP4’s frame.
WP3 - Adaptation and development of IT tools
This WP led to the development of the Transnational OrientaExpress Platform, available here as an Open Educational Resource: https://top.oltresrl.eu/
WP4 - Experimentation
Under this WP, the partners piloted the Transnational OrientaExpress Platform in their countries, involving more than 400 young users as well as HR experts and teachers. Their feedback determines the short-term impact of the project results during its development in order to take the necessary corrective measures and obtain suggestions from the target groups on how to finetune the tool and maximise its sustainability perspectives.
WP5 - Quality assurance and evaluation
This WP helped the consortium to assess the relevance, effectiveness and impact of the project, measuring the progress along the project course, determining if the project was meeting the main needs of the target groups, measuring the results of the project among the participants, determining how the impact of the project contributed to developing the community of beneficiaries, evaluating unexpected results, monitoring all processes, establishing quality control indicators and procedures.
It covered the whole project lifespan, from M1 to M24, led by Oltre srl.
WP6 - Dissemination
The purpose of this WP was the dissemination of the objectives and results of the project to its target groups (students, business organizations and employers' organizations) the education and training sector as well as intermediate organizations (employment agencies).
It covered the whole project lifespan, from M1 to M24, led by LDN in collaboration with Oltre srl, Amadeus and ARM-BG and the whole consortium.
WP7 - Exploitation of results
This WP seeks to ensure the sustainability of the project and the impact of methods, tools and good practices developed on policies and habits. The WP started in the second year of the project, when the IT tools were implemented, and the main results are available here

M1 - Kick Off meeting for the evaluation of the preparatory phase
Kick Off meeting for the assessment of the preparatory phase (project management structure, final report of the needs analysis, signature of the partnership status, approval of the monitoring and quality plan and of the dissemination plan, definitive assignment of tasks).
M2 - Preparatory phase for the initial study, evaluation, monitoring and dissemination
The meeting was organized by the lead partner Amadeus – Austria. It constitutes a great opportunity for all partners to convene and discuss the various parts in relation to the research section, the quality assurance, dissemination, the valorization and the technology frameworks during the project’s life cycle.
M3 - Preparatory phase for Adaptation and development of tools IT, evaluation, monitoring e dissemination
The third meeting was organized by the partner ARM-BG - Bulgaria.
Quality assurance, dissemination, enhancement and technological structures during the life cycle of the project were discussed during the meeting. The methodological and technological implementation of the TOP platform has already begun.
M4 - Preparatory phase for the Experimentation, evaluation, monitoring and dissemination.
The fourth meeting was organised by the project coordinator Oltre Srl.
During the meeting, quality assurance, dissemination, improvement and technological structures during the project life cycle were discussed.
The methodological implementation was completed, the testing of the TOP platform began.
M5 - Preparatory phase for the Exploitation of results, evaluation, monitoring and dissemination
Organised by the Irish partner, ECE, the meeting allowed the partners to collect feedback and comment on the results of the experimentation phase held under WP4, and was the occasion for them to launch a plan for exploiting the results for any corrections or additions to the platform. Also, to prepare for the last meeting to be held on March 13 at Oltre srl headquarters.
M6 - Final Report
The agenda of the final project meeting, held on March 13th 2023 in Pescara at Oltre srl premises, envisaged a broad debate on the project’s state of the art, on the results achieved, the lessons learned from the Pilot activities carried out in the various national contexts, on the improvement prospects applicable to the TOP platform, on the impact of communication and dissemination activities, on the concrete prospects of capitalization and sustainability applicable to the main results of the project and in particular to the TOP platform, as well as on the joint preparation of the final report.

C1 - Orienta Express Accreditation
20 VET trainers and HR experts from AT, BG, LB, ES and IT gathered in Pescara (October 2022) to join a 3-days LTTA - Learning Teaching Training Activity organised by Oltre srl, in a view to become certified TOP Practitioners.
The certification of skills based on the Orienta Express model has a dual purpose:
- - protect Clients and Customers who use the professional activity of Practitioners;
- - recognize, enhance and develop the professionalism of the certified Practitioners themselves.


ERASMUS+ KA226 PROJECT N. 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-009075
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